Yoh guyz finally i'm back at home.The Oktober Fest has been fuckin great lol there was a fuckin lot of ppl and pussies (and italians...)!
Someone threw up on me...
Anyway i know u missed me a lot xD
Ah don't ask me wich was the sense of the post below i dunno as i said JDRNFS took care of my blog in the last 3 days so u should ask him (i'll do the same lol).
However now it's not more time to spread beer but it's time to spread love! (i hate this word...)
Oh teeesta di cazzooooo! ahaha Bentornato!:)
RispondiEliminawelcome back.
RispondiEliminadude, can you change your title color or sth? i cant see the title
RispondiEliminaTell us more about you being thrown up on.
RispondiEliminaim jealous about not being able to go
RispondiEliminathat is awesome. im jealous. send me a beer :P
RispondiEliminawelcome back man .
RispondiEliminaAgain glad you had a good time.