lunedì 4 ottobre 2010


Ehy the poll is closed and i've only 1 thing to say, STOP TO FAP ON ME DAMN FUCKED HEADS!!!!
Anyway there are too many josh followers and too few oldfappers.
Nice work to the bros who said that they don't need a woman couse they understood that no woman will beat your hands couse:

  1.  they cook 
  2.  they can't talk 
  3.  they don't lie 
  4.  they spend only on things u want 
  5.  they make sex how many times u want
  6.  they can't have headache
  7.  they don't betray (it depends by you lol)
  8.  they don't need money for themself
  9.  they don't make u angry
  10.  they think u're the best
  11.  they give u is always right
That's all i think anyway i still prefer girls i leave u with a fuckin useless vid from wich u'll learn nothing.
Uhm i've few cool vids moar so i'll just leave here a video-shit.
Lol that's a man who know why hands are better than girls lol

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